Capital: Büsingen am Hochrhein Government: Autonomous Town (Germany) Population: 1358 Currency: Swiss Franc Continent: Europe Official language: German Area: 7.62 km2
Büsingen am Hochrhein, is a German town entirely surrounded by the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen and south across the High Rhine, by the Swiss cantons of Zürich and Thurgau. It has a population of about 1,355 inhabitants. Since the early 19th century, the town has been separated from the rest of Germany by a narrow strip of land (at its narrowest, about 700 m wide) containing the Swiss village of Dörflingen.
Politically, Büsingen is part of Germany, forming part of the district of Konstanz, in the Bundeslandof Baden-Württemberg, but economically, it forms part of the Swiss customs area, as do the independent principality of Liechtenstein and the Italian town of Campione d'Italia. There have been no border controls between Switzerland and Büsingen since 4 October 1967.
Büsingen is highly regarded as a holiday destination in summer by both German and Swiss visitors from around the area for its recreational areas along the Rhine.